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Friday, December 13, 2013

A.H.J. @ Mexicali

When I heard that Albert Hammond Jr. was going to perform at Mexicali Live which is 5 minutes away from my house, I jumped at the chance to get tickets. I went with my friend Brett and linked up with my old friend Paul and his friend. I know this is a hip hop blog, but you have to make exceptions sometimes. I'm a huge Strokes fan and love AHJ and the Yours to Keep album by Hammond Jr. GFC is one of my favorite songs to listen to and I could not miss the opportunity to see a Strokes member perform so close to my house.  For lack of better wording, he fuckin killed it! He is ridiculously talented  and everyone should pick up his albums if you are a fan of great music. Here are some pics and vids I took from that show. PS. Setlist was different from the one shown.

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